Friday, October 30, 2009

andy doing things andy way

the rats are building their nest right now. I think I will alter my cage cleaning strategy. the craigslist people are emailing me in that vague craigslist way. it gives me someone to type to anyway. there's a guy with a really cool guitar, an ancient singer/ piano player and 2 regular dudes that play guitar and drums. this isn't the way that I had hoped it would go. I wanted to get lots of people all talking together and forming multiple bands with like minded musicians. instead I get to chat it up with singular people who seem kind of shady.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

buying into the illuminati beast system

Well scan my RFID chip and call me sheople, it's eating me whole!!! I have a bank account with a card and it can pay my bills too. walmart is in the process of hiring me. I'm going for the drug test tomorrow. pretty soon, I'll have to accept the mandatory vaccines in order to keep my job! what part of me is left to be free? how much is left that I control? was there any to begin with? I'm having my doubts about the apocalypse even! I think they may have already gotten me!

Monday, October 26, 2009

if everything was cool

What if everything was cool? it's a question that I just recently began to ask myself. I would want to have fun with the best people. i think all my family and friends would all get together to eat lots of organic food and listen to smooth jazz. we would do this in the most beautiful chinese garden and some of the most skilled shaolin monks would be around to demonstrate their kung fu skills. then my band would hit the stage like c4 with dynamite strapped to it! we would thrash and shred the wildest metal grooves around faster than dragonforce and more brutal than nile. everyone would just be so amazed at how good the music was that they would forget that it was metal. the party would never end and nobody would get tired or bored.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

what I've been doing

these are my rats. the cage is a ferret cage which would usually run like $100 but I got the cage and food for $30. it took a lot of driving though. I went past rochester and kept going for a while. everything went ok. I got a new video game called chaos legion when my debit card got activated. the pictures on the internet are really poor quality, but it's an ultra-violent hack and slash fight game. the monsters are wild and the hero's sword is big. you do the math.

this time the neighbors really did keep me up

I don't know what my downstairs neighbors were doing last night, but it was enough to require police. this place just can't get that patented post-teddy silence all the time. i do have rats. they are 2 females and they act weird. their favorite thing is newspaper. this is what they use to build their nest. so there will be no loose rat droppings everywhere and no ruined clothing. I have built them a play area which I had to get approval from the larger and darker haired lola. she let me know when something wasn't right. i have a few different avenues of job applications going on. hopefully everything will work out in the long run. blig you later.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

unabashed bligotry

posting for the sake of posting. here's pictures. a brutal and clearly computer generated pestilence demon, fuck up boots from holy mountain sitting with his questionably alive goats, the chertoff devil picture from infowars, and a really strange guitar that is half strings and half frets with not much else besides some wires at the bottom and hopefully some tuning pegs.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

theology, religion and the ways of the world

my video quest has taken me to some strange trains of thought. some of them seemed to desire self-derailment, but lacked the off road wheels to deal with the consequences of these actions. one thing that I've looked into recently is buddhism. it has the off road wheels, but prefers to just park somewhere really nice.
despite the deep meanings that could be dragged out of that first paragraph, I would prefer to think of it as a joke. religious madmen, conspiracy theorists, and so called free thinkers always seem to focus on problems. I'd like to see some type of intellectual belief system that just focuses on making good things happen and totally skips anything negative. buddhism is the only thing that I've found that even comes close to an organized system of thought direction that fill this criteria. during a recent google search, the exact words in the search field were "buddhist aa meeting" and google came up with some sites that matched those words including the buddhist 12 steps. these steps included the non-buddhist idea of some type of higher power. more research is required somewhere...
how about another answer to the world's questions? fuck religion, don't even try to understand how the world works, just try not to fuck it up!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

video plans & good movie

I just finished watching crossroads and have to say it's great. the kid from wonder years does his own guitar work which makes it a very special movie. I plan to release 2 new youtube videos in the near future. 1 will be my own heavy metal track with a video of pictures that I draw of dinosaurs fighting heavy machinery. the other will hopefully involve rick. I want him to play the lead track over my rhythms and take some pictures with me on my digital camera. we will unleash a blues typhoon on it! that's all for now, so blig you later.

Monday, October 19, 2009

crazy insanity with no drugs!

I was out applying for jobs this morning when I ran into amber shackleford! she was with her husband and their kids. we were happy to see eachother after so long. then I ran into some short fat black woman from rochester who was lost and stranded. I told her to take the bus, but she said she had no money. I told her that I would stay with her and wait for the police man that was parked nearby. it was more than anyone else would have been willing to do. while we were standing there, a man with a 3 finger claw hand came up to us and asked about the bus. I told him where to get a bus schedule and while he was there the cop came over. so here I am standing there with the lost woman from rochester and the 3 finger claw man and a brockport cop! I told the cop that the woman was lost and the 3 finger claw man and myself both left in separate directions. when I got home, a gigantic check was waiting for me in my mailbox. I was so happy that I rushed upsatairs and told richard all about it. he was mildly amused. I thought it was the craziest, wackiest and wildest series of events available and I was enjoying myself immensely!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

new song with you tube video

I got very productive this afternoon and made a new song after watching camp fema. the movie was shocking because it showe that the american government is probably working to make death camps or at least slave labor camps in which to put american citizens. the song is jazzy and smooth. it went really easy because I planned it out and practiced a lot and I am free of chemicals. please watch the video and chill out with the new music that I can now make.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

new blog

this is my new blog where I put good things. my work has just begun. keep coming back to see really cool and interesting stuff.