Monday, December 28, 2009

another craigslist post another spam-wave

I posted in the singles section again and my email filled up with spam. these are some things to look for when sorting craigslist replies:
1.names don't match
2. "I was using someone else's email"
3."seeing if ur fake or not, holler back if you are"
4."i just moved here from..."
5."I don't want to jump into your life with my kid, I'm not looking for any king of LTR"
6.adding links to the post that is being responded to and the craigslist code address
this isn't the fucking bible, people! I don't need to interperet your words to know you're a spam-bot!
if you program spam, please make it look like a real person is emailing me. make the names match and don't contradict yourself in the message. I've seen so many spam replies, I can spot one from a mile away, so please get better at making them so you can try to fool me.
THIS IS A CHALLENGE: if you program spam-bots, fool me with your reply and I will go on youtube and tell everyone that I have been tricked by a stupid spam-bot.

Friday, December 25, 2009

elder of the tribe

on the 24th my family had a gathering with my father's relatives. we ate and talked and listened to our elder's stories. his name is art. he was an orphaned child who led a hard life of work and vagrancy. his stories are all interesting and add lots to our gatherings. some highlights of his tales include trading a toilet for a violin, stealing food for himself and his companions, and an almost incoherent telling of how he met his wife. one picture shows our shaman with one of our best braves. the brave, donbro, spent a lot of time with me when we were young. we had adventures as bicycle experts. I played the part of the mage, and he the warrior. another picture illustrates many of my clan members gathered around art. they are all focused on some extremely non-magical items that were being presented to one another. the other picture shows our wise man relating his wisdom in the form of an amusing anecdote. during the mundane festivities, I played the role of chronicler in order to post this cryptic message.

Friday, December 18, 2009

same old type of blog

the craigslist people seem cool. they are older like greg. we plan to meet this week. I fixed the rats' castle again today and have been working on some miniatures (joke). I have cute poop, sheast, rat, vodka, beer, robitussin, zonie, and zonie box. I plan to make 3 people next. andy at computer, logan on futon, and arkron. otherwise, I've been sleeping so much recently. I sleep all night and then take a nap after lunch. there's just nothing to do. I watched lick library chords and scales 1 and took notes, but didn't come up with any wild new 4track recordings from the theory learned there. I'm thinking about texting charlie tonight to see if he wants to drink some beer because I'm just so BORED!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

band progress

I contacted death metal people on craigslist and they seem cool. they are a drummer and a vocalist. I've got my vocalist and maybe skwisgaar. between all of us, it should be great! just toss in a bass and some keys for real metal overload!

Thursday, December 10, 2009


my life is falling apart. so what? I'm not the least bit phased by this at all. no job, losing apartment pretty soon here, big deal. I'm older and calmer than when it happened before. I'll move in with my parents, then my dad and myself can both tell my mom to get rid of her hell-hound (in the nicest way possible). apparently, I get the WHOLE upstairs this time! I won't even give them a tough time. I'll look for a job as much as I can, not put any chemicals in my body, and make awesome 4-track recordings in the evening.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

skwisgaar knows i'm crazy

I just got done jamming with dan, shawn's old guitarist from the uruk-hai battle rock band that I tried to play bass for. he's good at leads and knows good theory. he also has lots of awesome high tech equipment. we did a half-ass recording session and talked about music, equipment, bands, and stuff like that. I'm pretty sure I can get him to help us. I showed him some loco tracks from my solo project and told him rat stories. he seemed mildly amused and it seemed like we could work together more seriously and productively in the future. there's definitely no better guitarist to transpose with. he was doing 3rds, 5ths, 7ths of my parts and showing off his mad sweeping skills in between.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

not a bad day

when I got up this morning, I watched lots of dragonball z and texted greg. then I went to work for 4 hours: minimal pain. I got home and did some emailing and music transfer to and from flash drives to optimize the power and the glory. my dad emailed me some links that were interesting and I played some electric guitar. right now the rats are scrambling all over me. overall, not too shabby!

Friday, December 4, 2009

grab that 4-track recorder by the balls!

I've spent lots of time learning how to go from guitar idea to finished mp3. now I'm producing the good stuff! complex chord progressions, floating synth and shredding lead guitar! it's all there and I have about 60 tracks to show for it. on wednesday, I'll go to the stoneyard stone sober and show them what the fuck is up with brockportian music today. there's only 2 words they need to know, Andy Daily. I'll rip cuts from stolen magick and show them my classical skills, leaving no doubt in their minds who is master of the guitar around here.
the basic idea here is I'm actually getting good at music and want everyone to know it's kill or be killed in the music business. take no prisoners, take no shit!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

illuminati symbols at work

i found evil signs in the tomra room at walmart. the tom-ra (egyptian sun god) logo itself is a winged disc and the labatt logo has a triple six in it.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

email storm

I just got done taking care of massive emails. logan emailed me pictures and tabs. some people responded to my craigslist ad, so there was some transfers there. the leading contact is pictured here. her name is kristin and she has a rat too. I will soon be payed by walmart again and hopefully the bank won't take too much of it. whatever the case, I will withdraw whatever I can in order to not incur any more overdraft fees.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

update with pictures

what in the sheast's brown islands are these pictures? my aunt had the doll when she was young and wrote her enemy's name on it, then hung it in a tree. looks like I'm related to the blair witch. lillith was eating and I stuck my camera in her cage. she's warming up to me. she actually walked onto my leg today without being bribed with food. the doorway is from the church on the same street that I live on. I took the picture because it's got illuminati symbolism in it's stained glass. the cross inside the circle that has things coming out the sides represents the pyramid/ufo landing platform. to find out more, go to nibirupedia or letthetruthbeknown. they are the same website. Greg, the metal vocalist came over yesterday and I think we can make music that will cause logan to shit his pants in amazement. I'm listening to greg's fav band, into eternity right now. they mix the melodic stuff that I like with grittier, more death metal elements. I have to go make a you tube video, so blig you later!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

trip to guitarland

I went to my cousin, john's place this afternoon. it was like an amusement park for guitar players. he has so many! charvels, jacksons, epiphones, ibanezes, even ones he made himself! being the nice guy that he is, he almost immediately started handing them to me to try out. I fell in love with a white charvel. I don't have to describe this guitar because it is what a charvel is supposed to be. think "shred axe". we played "look what I can do" and watched some music videos. overall, I call it guitar heaven.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

some pictures

here's 2 more cell phone pictures. they blurred a little because I have a new phone and it's different from my old one. the cardboard monstrosity is castle ratula or the duct tape roller coaster. the 2 guys are rick and logan. that was taken at rick's practice space which is a barn in hamlin. his blues band is so much fun to jam with. I usually play designated driver on the way there and let them sort out their rides after I leave because they all stay so late. the band is always accompanied by extra people. girlfriends, friends, drunks, poor quality musicians, etc...
I got paid today, so it's zonie night! blig you later

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

being human: not a curse

work was good today because ken was there and we used the cart pusher lots. things picked up in the afternoon and Ian got there. he's a cart pusher like all the guys outside. my rats are being cool, I've got pictures of both of them that I'm posting. layla is trying to drink my coffee and lillith is trying to get away. I'm craigslisting it up as always. some people responded and I went to the city to pick up some tarot cards. I think the people were trying to rid their home of the evil decks, but I said 2 of them would help and they didn't ask if I wanted all. the black woman who answered the door didn't barely even say hello to me. I set up the 4-tracking machine complete with stereo and speakers in my living room. hopefully this will inspire me to use it more. I'm signing out to play guitar, so blig you later!

Sunday, November 8, 2009


i'm feeling shitty. all I feel like doing is listening to mental home. I can't even sit or lay down comfortably because my back hurts so bad. it's just that nothing seems to be going right. I did get a job, but it sucks horribly. only makes my back hurt more. and my legs and feet too. yawning hurts too.
I met up with this greg guy today and almost fell asleep at the wheel on my way to and from meeting him. he was voicing concerns about forming a band and writing music. they were valid points, but a more optomistic attitude would have helped.
I'm always engaged against my will. god set me free from my reality.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

trying to make everything cool

yeah, I had my second day of training at walmart. I showed up walmart color... but without my name card! diane, the personel woman made me a new one and told me to keep it in the locker that I can't open and has other people's clothes and cookies in it. I finished the computer training though.
the other challenge is lillith, my white and grey rat girl. she is not being nice to me, runs away and bites my fingers when I put them through the cage to her. I gave her treats tonight and tried to make her see that I am cool. she ran into the newspaper and hid. I just sang and played "lillith's embrace" by ancient to her to no avail.
in other news, my new craigslist contact, greg watched my heavy metal guitar video and liked it. we will meet for coffee on sunday to talk about music and who we are.
I am working hard to make good things happen and not dwelling on my corrupt and jaded past. I refuse to go to any annonymous meetings because they violate my beliefs and my idea of what has to happen in order to make my life work well. it's no good to hang out with failures and sit in dungeons when my goals are in the highest towers of success shining in the sunlight of accomplishment in a future world of spreading awesomeness across the land. pardon my melodic power metal phrasing, but that's what I feel inside me. this is accompanied by the darkest of black metal furies forged in the dark smithies of hell and tempered by dragon fire spewed from the mouth of the black dragon of hatred and despair. the most evil demons of the endless pit shit their pants when my evil side shows up. satan weeps when my most abysmal feelings of loss and failure approach. torn in two by my heavy metal analogied emotions, I march forth into the dawn of a new day to try to make really sunglasses and sideways smirk coolness win.
finally, a searh for pictures to really rub my message in!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

dress code

I got the job at walmart and they expect me to wear a certain color pants and shirt. brown pants and a blue shirt doesn't hurt, but I feel bad for the goth girl that was in training with me. she wanted her hairstyle, piercings and makeup. they won't even let her wear clear spacers for her many lip piercings. they used the obama brand brainwashing proceedure on us, but we got an hour lunch. it seems like I need to jump through their hoops and then my job will be simple and easy. walmart is so easy to pick on, let's hope it's just as easy to work there.

Friday, October 30, 2009

andy doing things andy way

the rats are building their nest right now. I think I will alter my cage cleaning strategy. the craigslist people are emailing me in that vague craigslist way. it gives me someone to type to anyway. there's a guy with a really cool guitar, an ancient singer/ piano player and 2 regular dudes that play guitar and drums. this isn't the way that I had hoped it would go. I wanted to get lots of people all talking together and forming multiple bands with like minded musicians. instead I get to chat it up with singular people who seem kind of shady.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

buying into the illuminati beast system

Well scan my RFID chip and call me sheople, it's eating me whole!!! I have a bank account with a card and it can pay my bills too. walmart is in the process of hiring me. I'm going for the drug test tomorrow. pretty soon, I'll have to accept the mandatory vaccines in order to keep my job! what part of me is left to be free? how much is left that I control? was there any to begin with? I'm having my doubts about the apocalypse even! I think they may have already gotten me!

Monday, October 26, 2009

if everything was cool

What if everything was cool? it's a question that I just recently began to ask myself. I would want to have fun with the best people. i think all my family and friends would all get together to eat lots of organic food and listen to smooth jazz. we would do this in the most beautiful chinese garden and some of the most skilled shaolin monks would be around to demonstrate their kung fu skills. then my band would hit the stage like c4 with dynamite strapped to it! we would thrash and shred the wildest metal grooves around faster than dragonforce and more brutal than nile. everyone would just be so amazed at how good the music was that they would forget that it was metal. the party would never end and nobody would get tired or bored.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

what I've been doing

these are my rats. the cage is a ferret cage which would usually run like $100 but I got the cage and food for $30. it took a lot of driving though. I went past rochester and kept going for a while. everything went ok. I got a new video game called chaos legion when my debit card got activated. the pictures on the internet are really poor quality, but it's an ultra-violent hack and slash fight game. the monsters are wild and the hero's sword is big. you do the math.

this time the neighbors really did keep me up

I don't know what my downstairs neighbors were doing last night, but it was enough to require police. this place just can't get that patented post-teddy silence all the time. i do have rats. they are 2 females and they act weird. their favorite thing is newspaper. this is what they use to build their nest. so there will be no loose rat droppings everywhere and no ruined clothing. I have built them a play area which I had to get approval from the larger and darker haired lola. she let me know when something wasn't right. i have a few different avenues of job applications going on. hopefully everything will work out in the long run. blig you later.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

unabashed bligotry

posting for the sake of posting. here's pictures. a brutal and clearly computer generated pestilence demon, fuck up boots from holy mountain sitting with his questionably alive goats, the chertoff devil picture from infowars, and a really strange guitar that is half strings and half frets with not much else besides some wires at the bottom and hopefully some tuning pegs.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

theology, religion and the ways of the world

my video quest has taken me to some strange trains of thought. some of them seemed to desire self-derailment, but lacked the off road wheels to deal with the consequences of these actions. one thing that I've looked into recently is buddhism. it has the off road wheels, but prefers to just park somewhere really nice.
despite the deep meanings that could be dragged out of that first paragraph, I would prefer to think of it as a joke. religious madmen, conspiracy theorists, and so called free thinkers always seem to focus on problems. I'd like to see some type of intellectual belief system that just focuses on making good things happen and totally skips anything negative. buddhism is the only thing that I've found that even comes close to an organized system of thought direction that fill this criteria. during a recent google search, the exact words in the search field were "buddhist aa meeting" and google came up with some sites that matched those words including the buddhist 12 steps. these steps included the non-buddhist idea of some type of higher power. more research is required somewhere...
how about another answer to the world's questions? fuck religion, don't even try to understand how the world works, just try not to fuck it up!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

video plans & good movie

I just finished watching crossroads and have to say it's great. the kid from wonder years does his own guitar work which makes it a very special movie. I plan to release 2 new youtube videos in the near future. 1 will be my own heavy metal track with a video of pictures that I draw of dinosaurs fighting heavy machinery. the other will hopefully involve rick. I want him to play the lead track over my rhythms and take some pictures with me on my digital camera. we will unleash a blues typhoon on it! that's all for now, so blig you later.

Monday, October 19, 2009

crazy insanity with no drugs!

I was out applying for jobs this morning when I ran into amber shackleford! she was with her husband and their kids. we were happy to see eachother after so long. then I ran into some short fat black woman from rochester who was lost and stranded. I told her to take the bus, but she said she had no money. I told her that I would stay with her and wait for the police man that was parked nearby. it was more than anyone else would have been willing to do. while we were standing there, a man with a 3 finger claw hand came up to us and asked about the bus. I told him where to get a bus schedule and while he was there the cop came over. so here I am standing there with the lost woman from rochester and the 3 finger claw man and a brockport cop! I told the cop that the woman was lost and the 3 finger claw man and myself both left in separate directions. when I got home, a gigantic check was waiting for me in my mailbox. I was so happy that I rushed upsatairs and told richard all about it. he was mildly amused. I thought it was the craziest, wackiest and wildest series of events available and I was enjoying myself immensely!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

new song with you tube video

I got very productive this afternoon and made a new song after watching camp fema. the movie was shocking because it showe that the american government is probably working to make death camps or at least slave labor camps in which to put american citizens. the song is jazzy and smooth. it went really easy because I planned it out and practiced a lot and I am free of chemicals. please watch the video and chill out with the new music that I can now make.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

new blog

this is my new blog where I put good things. my work has just begun. keep coming back to see really cool and interesting stuff.