Wednesday, January 6, 2010

illness in the family can be a good thing

My mom just got back from the doctor's office. apparently, she has shingles which is the adult re-occurence of chicken pox. the doctor says she has to stay home for 2 weeks.
YAY! the protector of the lazy, defender of the unemployed, guardian against fatherly advice is here for 2 weeks! I can get some real work done on my music now and there's a captive audience.
Tj just called. he was doing a flooring job and got bored waiting for the glue to dry. it's cool to hear from him once in a while. we've known eachother so long it's stupid not to talk to him. he says if he gets all of the jobs he has lined up, he will get an apartment for his girlfriend and himself to move into. he's jamming with shawn now. they have similar musical goals as far as style is concerned, so I wish them luck.
my musical style goals just get weirder. I think it's time so go REALLY soft and REALLY smooth now. my parents will really get a kick out of that. as soon as they get used to it, I'll go back to the count grishnakh album to do minor church organ stuff that sounds like good old Varg teamed up with rusty cooley. that's a good curve ball.

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