Tuesday, January 26, 2010

wildest new thing i can't get enough of

on google video, there are a PLETHORA of prophecy club videos. many of these feature a character called Bill Schnoebelen. prophecy club is a born again christian talk show that invites basically anyone who can fill the time slot to talk about whatever they think is evil. this is a barrel of evangelical monkeys! these guys get REALLY excited about the subject matter. i personally find bill here to be the most entertaining. i would get a kick out of telling all about him here, but it's better to hear him say it. apparently, he was a member of pretty much EVERYTHING UNDER THE EFFING SUN until he got saved and now knows that all of that stuff is evil. the first time I watched this guy, the feeling that I got was like hearing the most satanic black metal ever. that little devil on my shoulder was LOVING it! I just went on a schnoebelen quest on google only to find that everyone thinks he's a quack. they say he's either confused or lying. guess what? I don't care! he's just so INTERESTING that I could give a fuck less if he's lying.
Bill S. gets a 10/10 on the wild meter. he's awesome!

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