Sunday, January 31, 2010

pictures again

alright, let's see what we've got here...
a picture out the window where my computer is now, me with the corncob pipe in my mouth, my sister's new dining room table, my sister's award winning artwork that my mom hung on the wall when she came to visit, layla sleeping on me, layla cleaning herself on the computer desk, and finally, the chinese still life. this last one I put the food i didn't eat at the china buffet on a napkin and my mom said it was art, so the celly came out and now it's on my blig.

Friday, January 29, 2010

the things you find...

the internet has a wealth of useless crap. funeral programs are fun to play with. apparently, I was born in 1941. I'm going back to the site to see if i can change the names and dates.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

wildest new thing i can't get enough of

on google video, there are a PLETHORA of prophecy club videos. many of these feature a character called Bill Schnoebelen. prophecy club is a born again christian talk show that invites basically anyone who can fill the time slot to talk about whatever they think is evil. this is a barrel of evangelical monkeys! these guys get REALLY excited about the subject matter. i personally find bill here to be the most entertaining. i would get a kick out of telling all about him here, but it's better to hear him say it. apparently, he was a member of pretty much EVERYTHING UNDER THE EFFING SUN until he got saved and now knows that all of that stuff is evil. the first time I watched this guy, the feeling that I got was like hearing the most satanic black metal ever. that little devil on my shoulder was LOVING it! I just went on a schnoebelen quest on google only to find that everyone thinks he's a quack. they say he's either confused or lying. guess what? I don't care! he's just so INTERESTING that I could give a fuck less if he's lying.
Bill S. gets a 10/10 on the wild meter. he's awesome!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

freezing my #$%@& off

i thought that old people liked their houses to be warm, but apparently that isn't the case these days. I freeze my ass of living with my parents and they're about 60 years. dan nichols from pgc kept his house cold too. he was 40-50 years. maybe they're trying to save money by using less heat. turns out, old people like it cold.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

west wynd project

I haven't worked on MY stuff in a while. I think that will happen tomorrow. I have 2 chords and a melody that I want to use on the grishnackh album. hopefully, a song will be born. I'm just not feeling that polarized and beginning of a new end stuff these days. must be living with my parents steers me towards the black metal side of my musical personality. what I'd REALLY like to do is a whole black metal album that's really dark, forboding, and gloomy without using distortion on any instrument. I know varg v did it already, but I want to do it too. I'd like to copy the good things that the count did like creating lots of music and writing a megalithic diatribe on society.
speaking of black metal, I was just downloading some really dark stuff from another blogspot site. type "depressive black metal" into google and go to the first link. beware: viri are known to hang out there. my computer is already doing wonky stuff that my paid antivirus program won't fix, so it would be like shooting a corpse if they infected me.
another thing about living with my parents is the amount of coffee drinking and tobacco smoking that I do has increased exponentially. I'm also eating more because I don't have to pay for food. i guess i balance myself in this way.

when I lived on my own, my intake list was:
bagel w/ creme cheese
rice w/ vegetables
LOTS of robitussin
smoked: cigars
smoked: cannabis
sometimes fast food
organic cereal w/ soy milk
psyllium shakes

with parents:
bagel w/ creme cheese (can't change a good thing!)
toxic meat sandwich w/ cheese
whatever my mom cooks for dinner
smoked: pipe

that's even more depressing than the darkest black metal. my fav things got taken off the list when I moved here. I can do the harmful drugs that hurt my body and aren't any fun, but anything that's fun got removed! when's the last time that a chronic abuser of cough medicine died? when they died from non-dxm related causes. all these deaths that you hear about are from intentional overdose (3000+ mg), or from kids being stupid (first few times took wrong thing or body couldn't process) nobody's out there kicking the bucket with massive amounts of empties in their house. if you know what you're doing (like I do), then it ain't no thang!
tolerance develops very quickly though. one week you're having a blast with 2 bottles, next week 3 doesn't really cut it anymore. for f's sake, I was up to 4 and having to do it quick in order to get any type of effects. there have been times when I swear I could take down 6 over a few hours and still have fun. that's another thing too. you have to hit the mark without overdoing it if you want the right type of fun. overshoot that mark and you'll be in a bad place very quickly. underestimate, and you'll have to wait out a sub-par experience or risk re-dosing. how many times you do it without sleeping is a heavily debated subject. some say you shouldn't even go for 2, but I found that pretty fun! 3 gets sketchy, and after that you can't remember the last time you slept. slow and fast dosing is a choice too. slow dosing makes you feel normal, but your brain gets fucked pretty hard. it's like you take it, forget you took it, and eventually you wonder what happened. where did your sanity go? quick is more fun to me. slam them fuckers asap and it creeps over you like magic. definitely more physical effects that way. i think there's less of what the doctors called "hearing voices" too.
my concepts on preceived voices during a dxm experience:
this stuff is a dissociative. that means it detaches everything, shuffles, and plays 52 card pick up if you know what I mean. some of the "voices" come from non-vocal sources. the refrigerator running, computer whirr, that kind of stuff. these things are misinterperated by your fucked up state of mind as human voices. some come from within. your thoughts turned into audible words to you. of course, these 2 factors work together to produce the "voices" that people hear from this stuff.
didn't mean to go off on a dxm tangent, but to summarize, I like to hit the nail on the head as far as dosage goes in a quick ingestion type of way and repeat dose at least once before I go to bed. to quote lyrics from a guns n roses song, "can't stop thinkin' 'bout doin' it one more time!"

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

jamming with skwisgaar

guitar work with another shred god is going ok. we didn't get much done today. everything has dan's personality in it. we can play fast though.
I just got an email from primadonasaurus who I haven't heard from in forever. she says I have a good attitude about approaching difficult material.
my computer still isn't fixed. the webroot people are taking their sweet time helping me with my problem.


Jim Aldersen
Computers Etc.
203 Main Street
Brockport, N.Y. 14420

Mr. Aldersen,
I am very interested in obtaining the advertised position in inventory production Sunnking Warehouse. I admire your company's efforts in recycling. I would also like to expand my knowledge of computers. BTW, most of my computer knowledge is about piracy, theft and file sharing.

My strengths that would benefit Sunnking:
a strong basic knowledge of computer hardware and software
warehouse experience with inventory and location programs
4 years of forklift experience including intentionally dangerous operation
I reside in Brockport
27 years old with a clean driving record
an insane drive to pervert any computer system into a form of entertainment
an ability to get whatever digital entertainment I want online

I am available for an interview at any time and would be able to start work immediately. please hire me soon and pay me well so i can get out of my parents' house.
Thank you for your time and attention

The Andychrist
98 East Avenue
Brockport, N.Y. 14420

The Andychrist

98 East Avenue
Brockport NY 14420

School History

High School: Brockport High School
40 allen street brockport ny 14420
major in art graduated 2001

College: Daemen college
4380 main street amherst ny 14226-3592
major in art attended one year

Internet: william white's DXM FAQ
major in 3rd plateau graduated based on mileage

Work History
in chronological order

Worked during high school on sundays
job duties: cashier, cleaning, and some inventory
computer program could make photos look evil by adding a "red eye" effect
store closed, wasn't my fault :)

Bruegger's Bagels
worked for two weeks after graduation from high school
job duties: cashier, cleaning, food preparation, restocking sanwich supplies
quit because of secret meetings that I was supposed to know about and attend

Northside Pegasus Group Inc. Mobil on the Run
4118 Lake rd. Brockport NY 14420
10/27/02 to 6/6/04
job duties: cashier, cleaning, food preparation, coffee making, inventory, restocking cooler
perfected a lightning fast register operation technique
quit due to caffeine overdose

Bicycle Outfitters
72 Main st. Brockport NY 14420
april 2005 to october 2005
job duties: bicycle assembly and repair, cashier, cleaning
quit because boss was only cool when he was drunk

Pavilion Gift Company
8210 Buffalo rd. Bergen NY 14416-9444
04-02-06 to 9-9-09
job duties: order picking, order inspection, cleaning, forklift driving, forklift maintnence, inventory, pick location criteria assignment, unloading incoming containers, loading outgoing containers, labeling incoming product, restocking pick locations, driving a box truck to and from extension warehouses
filled the computer with my mp3s, watched youtube and caught a virus
was fired for sowing up drunk repeatedly and demanding to be paid based on work done rather than brownie points

6265 Brockport Spencerport Rd, Brockport
(585) 637-6331
11-2-09 to 12-10-09
job duties: pushing carts, customer carry outs, changing bags in bottle return machines
quit because I'm not stupid enough to stay outside all day in the winter

Personal References

Shawn Coleman
former co-worker email
knows I'm crazy

Doug Siebert
friend of family
barely spoken in years

Pat Trek
friend of family
(585)637-1050 work
(585)637-0256 home
can't tell that I'm crazy

Dan Nichols
former co-worker
300-3131 cell
too stupid to know what crazy means

Ray kline
friend of family and former boss
738-7487 cell
haven't spoken in years

Cal Klippel
former co-worker and supervisor
343-2378 home
356-2728 cell
thinks I'm pretty cool BECAUSE I'm crazy

Saturday, January 16, 2010

greg's old band!

I was surfing facebook today and copied these pictures of greg's old band. this is the guy who's supposed to sing in my new band. a picture is worth a thousand words, thus my high expectations.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

indoctrinate u

I just watched half of indoctrinate u on yahoo video. I don't think it's named correctly. it was all about racism at universities. not a very broad subject matter compared to the title. during the first half hour, I thought it might just be part of the documentary, but no. it's all of it.
the verdict:
it gets a 2/10 on the wake-up scale. they talk lots about very little information. makes me want to make a documentary though. just because I know I could make a better one.
MY documentary:
being a poor white boy in small town america.
idea for scene:
I walk into the credit union with money to make an account. flashback to my dad telling me to do so. let him spout for a little while about how good an idea it is. flash forward to credit union, I walk up to the teller and am redirected to the other representative. i am asked if I qualify, to which I reply that my dad is a member. flashback to him telling me how great it is. rep tells me my dad is not a member and because I don't go to church or work on main street, I don't qualify. I thank him for his time and leave.
another scene:
I go to every business in town and ask for an application (hair out). most won't even let me apply. applications are filled out and turned in. flash forward to a week or 2 later. I sit in my room with no job, haven't had a single call about any applications.
repeat process with hair under hat. let's see what happens! does the length of my hair determine how well I can do a job? do they employ female members of the workforce with long hair? what's the difference?

it's so boring to live here! I thought I was bored at my place drinking any potions I wanted, that was comparatively fun! i wish i could just jump in the car and go buy some robitussin. i even wish I was freaking out from taking too much of a good thing. better than sitting here trying to find good videos only to be disappointed.

Monday, January 11, 2010

jesse ventura conspiracy theory

I just watched the only episode readily available. I don't know what to think of this show yet.
it seems to me that this should be dis-info, but they covered real facts on the show that ALL the other CT guys talk about. they even had alex jones and david icke! on the other hand, the way that it was presented was like a sugar coated reality tv show. they didn't really go in depth about anything. it was like "ok, alex, david, you've got a minute to spit out a digestable answer to our question. let's go go go!" it cheapens the whole idea to the point where it could be sold at walmart and people watching it say "huh, that's interesting" before they change the channel.
the verdict:
I'll give this show a wake-up score of 4/10. they tried to take something complex and put it into a simple form so the stupid people watching regular a illuminati-vision can try to understand it. it's like a really good restaurant making tv dinners. it might be the same thing, but it comes out like re-heated shite.

lost in america

I'm looking for a girl with a job and a car, and a house... with wifi.
getting a decent job has become as difficult as getting into an ivy league university. everything I apply for turns out to be a spam-bot looking to sell me education online. they don't care if I've looked at their catalog or even WANT to go to their school. they just want to know if it's credit or debit!
Spam-Bot: "what course are you interested in?"
ME: "I don't even know what courses you have!"
SB: "we're going to contact these..."
ME: "please don't!"
SB: "online schools for you. expect a phone call from them today"
ME: "this is a machine, isn't it?"
this is what happened when I applied for a warehouse job! they probably posted a fake ad for the job to lure in people such as myself: no education beyond high school, no money, thinking about going to college but balking at the spam-bot presentation methods, a few years of work experience to REALLY convince you that further indoctrination is necessary. it's all the same!
i don't think I'll ever reply to an online posting ever again. exceptions: craigslist musical instruments (fake ibanez for $95 ain't too bad)
in closing:
DON'T APPLY OR REPLY TO ANYTHING ONLINE! (unless you know there's a human on the other end)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

burzum jokes

go find my quiz on facebook called melodic power metal meltdown. my old buddy from craigslist, poop pee would shit a brick. it's all varg vikernes humor. if you don't think that's funny, check out my doctored blackmetal pics.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

illness in the family can be a good thing

My mom just got back from the doctor's office. apparently, she has shingles which is the adult re-occurence of chicken pox. the doctor says she has to stay home for 2 weeks.
YAY! the protector of the lazy, defender of the unemployed, guardian against fatherly advice is here for 2 weeks! I can get some real work done on my music now and there's a captive audience.
Tj just called. he was doing a flooring job and got bored waiting for the glue to dry. it's cool to hear from him once in a while. we've known eachother so long it's stupid not to talk to him. he says if he gets all of the jobs he has lined up, he will get an apartment for his girlfriend and himself to move into. he's jamming with shawn now. they have similar musical goals as far as style is concerned, so I wish them luck.
my musical style goals just get weirder. I think it's time so go REALLY soft and REALLY smooth now. my parents will really get a kick out of that. as soon as they get used to it, I'll go back to the count grishnakh album to do minor church organ stuff that sounds like good old Varg teamed up with rusty cooley. that's a good curve ball.

Monday, January 4, 2010

spamming the spam-bot

step 1. post craigslist ad as a spam bot. include graphic detail about how bad you will spam them. names will not match, just moved here, no pictures, etc...
step 2. recieve spam replies to your spambot ad. of course the other spambots can't get enough replies! they may be reptilian illuminati feeding off unrequited love.
step 3. send spam replies to the spambots. complete with fake pictures that I've included here.
step 4. give up. the spambots just reply regardless of what you do. they don't care that you just sent them funny pictures. they just trigger off of digital communication send and recieve loops that auto generate content.

I thought my witty spambot post might dig some real person out of the robotic rubble. methods I've tried on craigslist:

normal: say you're a person. got a job, car, decent age. blend in.

crazy: tell the truth. no job, live with parents, pet rats, cemetary pictures, the whole 666 yards.
results: 1 girl replied because she saw the cute rat, but couldn't even email a conversation. the other would only text.

spambot: as described above.
results:shitloads of spam. I'm talking a mountain here! no human replies.
total humans contacted: 2
spam responses: infinite
lesson learned: don't touch the singles section of craigslist.

Friday, January 1, 2010

digital drugs!

i heard about this program called idoser on erowid and decided to give it a try. it sounds a lot like the brainwave generator because it does binaural beats with white noise static. I just finished my dxm dose while surfing the internet and emailing logan. now I'm digitally dosing ketamine to try for some synergy as both drugs supposedly have similar effects. I am quite versed in dxm, but have never tried ketamine. I've got the stereo headphones going, but have been surfing, emailing and blogging the whole time. this may reduse the potency. so far I'm just having trouble typing, but that happens ALL the time:) i'll blog again about this if I get any effects, or I'll talk shite about it if nothing happens. either way I'm sure to post something in my classic style.