Monday, February 15, 2010

confused trophy shop

I recently applied for a job at a spencerportian trophy shop. there was a test on the application that dealt with math and measuring type questions. they gave me a quick tour of the place and said that I would find out that weekend if I got the job or not. the weekend came and brought with it a letter from this place. the letter clearly stated that I did not get the job. then my phone rang this morning and guess who wanted me to come in for an interview? I got there and the guy acted like it was more of an orientation than an interview. I think it went well, but I have serious doubts about the state of mind involved in decision making in such a place. I guess it may work to my advantage though. I'll try my damnedest to play along and make an effort to milk it like the cash cow that I am currently in need of.
my sleep pattern has been getting worse recently. I was tired all of today and took 2 naps in the late afternoon because I stayed up until 4am last night and was rudely awakened at 10am for 6 hours of sleep.

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