Monday, February 22, 2010

up late for no reason again

yeah, I'm just sitting here at my computer because I can't sleep. I tried to go to bed at like 12:30, but couldn't even though I woke up at 11:30 today. it seems I only have energy to be awake at night. I was tired all day and tried to take a nap twice, but to no avail.
I just keep thinking about terrible things like my life. for fuck's sake, there is a warning on craigslist about me. I'm 27 and living with my parents. most humans don't have to deal with this type of thing. when I lay down to attempt sleep, all I can think about is things that I've fucked up in the past. it's like this constant gag reel and I'm the butt of every joke.
this is no way to post! I should be blasting my unholy word-fire at the world!
only problem is that the problem is me.
fuck the andychrist! he hasn't done jack shit for anyone, even himself! that worthless asshole should have a public execution so everyone can make sure he's dead. I'm pretty sure he's banned in a few states that only heard of him by word of mouth. I hear there's an article on infowars where alex jones says "the andychrist is more toxic than fluoride and mercury combined. the federal government is working on a program right now to make him immortal.".
maybe i was right to call myself the american count grishnackh. I've got the same type of reputation for solitary darkness and introspective hell.

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