Friday, February 19, 2010

I miss my dxm!

I get all choked up thinking about cherry flavored syrups. the thought of tussin space almost brings tears to my eyes. oh, to slam bottle after bottle of robitussin like the days of yore! to meet aliens again or experience the end of the universe!
I find myself surfing those drug sites where everyone refers to themselves as swim and the ones where dosages are listed at the top of the page. but to what end? it's not like I'll be getting any of that red, red goodness any time soon.
I even saved some pictures to my computer (I'll post them here) by an artist who does mainly tussin or mouse pictures. it's a shame he doesn't have any tussin AND mouse pics!
how will I cope with this shite life until I can once again ravage the dextroverse with reckless abandon? to pervert a line from the dark crystal, today andy's pipe gives no comfort.
I drink coffee all day long and into the night. I sit at my computer long into the night, not hitting the sheets til at least 3am. I smoke the mundane tobacco, and still my soul cries out! I do my best to fill my time with guitars and internet. I record music almost every day and I torrent against my parents' wishes but still the very fiber of my being longs to be back in that familiar territory. it seems alien to everyone else, but to me, it's HOME. and I am ever so homesick...

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