Tuesday, February 2, 2010

consequences of living with parents

the pictures you see are of the backs of my hands. that doesn't feel good. this is from the house being so cold that I have to wear 3 layers at all times. sometimes the only time that I get warm is when I'm in bed.
so, not only am I home all the time because I don't have a job, my dad is home all the time because his job was designed to not need him. sad thing is, HE DESIGNED IT! he creates walkthrough maintenance schedules for schools. once he has created it, he's not needed anymore. he spends all of his time on old car talk groups online.
my mom is usually at work. the library told her that she couldn't do teen programs outside of her normal schedule. these kids are wild and uncontrollable. most people would have rejoiced at this cut, but not her. she decided to leave an hour early in the afternoon, so she can show up for an hour at night to run her programs.
here i am, my hands are bleeding, i'm cold and my dad is at the bottom of the stairs just waiting for me to walk down them so he can "help" me. his version of help is to do whatever will piss you off the most.
my mom was just about to clean the floor or the bathroom or something. she had a bucket full of water and was pouring soap into it, and he says "I'm gunnah take ya fer a walk!" like he was being so awesome to decide to go for a walk right when my mom was in the middle of something that she couldn't just leave and get back to later. I VOLUNTEERED to go to lunch with him one day because I know he can't prepare food for himself. it took us an hour to get to a place 10 minutes away because he had to drive through all of the industrial neighborhood in holley and show me where to apply for a job. the whole time we were eating, all he did was lecture me about employment and all the way home too. that was the last time I go anywhere with just him. if he asks, I'll laugh at him and tell him no way!
this brings up the question:
what if someone treated him like he treats everyone else?
I'm very tempted to say...
let's find out!

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